Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:

Isaiah 1:18 KJB

  Our first round of parent/teacher conferences is scheduled for October 11-12.  These dates are slightly different from our school calendar. The calendar lists them as October 11-13.  I apologize for any confusion this may have caused. 

  I tell families when they enroll their students at VCA that the school is “an extension of the home and not the replacement.”  Simply said, God has called parents to be the primary teachers and role models for their children and not the church, school or state.  VCA desires to partner with you as parents in educating and bringing up your children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)  This ‘partnership’ is one of the school’s five “core values.” 

 In order to partner effectively with one another, we need to communicate.  That is why the school sets aside days each school year in the fall and winter to hold parent/teacher conferences.  These are not “optional” conferences, therefore, but part of the commitment we make to one another each year to partner in the Christian education of your children.  

 If you haven’t already done so, please log into Sycamore and reserve your conference dates/time slots before they are filled up.  The earlier you do so, the better your chances of getting your first choice.  

 Shepherding His lambs,


David Funk

Superintendent, VCA




MATCHING GIFT:  Although the school’s operating budget is largely covered through tuition and fees, VCA is dependent upon donations to help fund other needs that are not covered by fees. One way to multiply your financial gifts to the school is to check and see if your employer offers a matching gift benefit for employees who want to make a donation to a non-profit organization.  You can use the following link to find out if your employer offers this type of program.




VCA PICTURE DAY, Thursday, October 5, grades PreK-12.  Online ordering is available now at  Use the order code 79193PF.



  • SAT DAY for Seniors only will be October 11th at 7:45am.
  • PSAT 10 for Sophomores will be October 17th at 8:00am.
  • PSAT 9 for Freshmen will be October 18th at 8:00am
  • PSAT/NMSQT for Juniors will be October 19th at 8:00am.


 FALL PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES, October 11 and 12:  Scheduling for parent/teacher conferences is now open through your Sycamore account.  Please go to “My School” in your menu on the left-hand side and click on P/T Conference. Choose the date and the student.  Click on the time frame box for a specific teacher and schedule your appointment.  Once you confirm the time, you will need to contact the school if you need to change it.  Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on:

  • Wednesday, October 11 (half day, PreK-12):  North Campus, 1:00-8:00 pm, South Campus, 1:00 - 5:30 pm
  • Thursday, October 12 (no school):  North Campus 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, South Campus 8:30 am-8:00 pm,
  • Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers will be setting up their schedule by contacting parents directly  


 NO SCHOOL, October 26-27:  Teacher Professional Development 


Please mark your calendars for the FULFILLING THE VISION Fundraising Banquet, Friday, November 10 at VCA. Our speaker that evening will be Pastor Denny Smith, Jr., VCA dad and associate pastor at Valley Baptist Church. There will be a check-in and fellowship time starting at 6:00, with the banquet and program starting at 6:30 PM and concluding at 8:45 PM.  If you are interested in hosting a table for this year’s banquet please let us know.  There is no charge for hosting or attending the event, but an offering will be taken at the conclusion of the evening to support the online ministry of the school.  You may RSVP to our NC office by contacting Thank you!



October 6 - Little Caesars Pizza, $1.50/slice

October 20 - Culver’s cheeseburger & fries, $7.25 each, or hamburger and fries, $6.75 each




Today, we wrapped up an incredible school wide effort for our international mission, Operation Christmas Child. We are praising the Lord for His guiding hand, and faithfulness! Watching our students, and VCA family rally together to show support in more ways than can be counted has been an immense privilege! 

 Your generosity has allowed our students to have a first hand experience with serving other children, with the end goal of sending the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who may have not yet received it. While it would be impossible to adequately express the fingerprints of God working in our VCA family this last week, I pray you get a glimpse through this recap and pictures.

 At our South Campus, we had donations pouring in each morning before we had an incredible chapel led by Mrs. Linden. We met, and exceeded our goals for items in almost every area by Thursday afternoon! That afternoon, we had many volunteers unboxing, unpacking, and setting up our packing assembly line! This morning even more volunteers gave up their morning to help run a smooth assembly line. We are so thankful for our parent volunteers, this would not have been possible without you! 

 Today was such a blessing to see our older students, and younger students paired up to pray over, and pack these shoe boxes!! 

 At our North Campus, our students competed all week to raise $1000 dollars! We challenged all of our students to give last week in our kick off assembly! With just $5 per student we would meet our goal. Today, our student showed up, and once again exceeded our expectations with a grand total of $2,028.96!

 Due to the generosity of our Students, and VCA families we are able to pack more than 100 boxes! We are packing and shipping 160 BOXES! 

  In the spirit of a little friendly competition we promised the winning class from each campus a pizza party!

 Congratulations to Mrs. Jankowski’s 2nd grade class, Mrs. Dombrowski’s 5th grade class, and our Seniors!  

 At our South Campus these two classes won by bringing in the most average items per student! They tied at 36 items per student! Our North Campus Seniors came in strong at the last minute sweeping the floor with their strategy ending with 40,270 points! 

 All fun aside, from all of us here at VCA, THANK YOU! Thank you for partnering with us to once again to EXCEED our goals! Please be in prayer for the right children to receive our boxes, and ultimately come to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.