He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.

Colossians 1:28-29 NIV


 If I had to select two verses in the Bible that best summarize the ministry of Christian school education, I would be hard pressed to find two verses that more aptly characterize what we do than Colossians 1:28-29.  They speak not only to the one person Christian education is all about (Jesus), but also to the end goal: presenting our students “fully mature in Christ.”  That is truly the mission of VCA.

 This mission is only accomplished, however, in partnership with the home and local church. “Two are better than one…and a cord of three strands is not easily broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12) That’s why parent/teacher conferences are so important. Thank you for taking the time this week to attend your children’s parent/teacher conferences.  They are a vital component in helping VCA fulfill its mission.  

  The last part of this passage in Colossians speaks to the necessity of depending on Christ’s strength and wisdom to accomplish this shared mission. Please pray for our faculty and staff that we will be given “the energy and wisdom of Christ” as we teach and mentor your children. 


Shepherding His lambs,


David Funk

Superintendent, VCA




Please mark your calendars for the FULFILLING THE VISION Fundraising Banquet, Friday, November 10 at VCA. Our speaker that evening will be Pastor Denny Smith, Jr., VCA dad and associate pastor at Valley Baptist Church. There will be a check-in and fellowship time starting at 6:00, with the banquet and program starting at 6:30 PM and concluding at 8:45 PM.  There is no charge for hosting or attending the event, but an offering will be taken at the conclusion of the evening to support the ministry of the school.  Childcare is available for toddler through middle school age children. Please RSVP at 2023 Fulfilling the Vision RSVP or by calling our NC office at 219-548-2701. Thank you!


INVITE YOUR PASTOR TO LUNCH: October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.” The ministry of VCA is a three-way partnership between the home, school and local church. Two years ago VCA started a program to invite local pastors to lunch. Students were encouraged to invite their pastors to eat lunch with them at our campuses.   We would like to start this program up again this school year.  Please notify the school office (SC and NC) if your pastor will be joining you for lunch so we can have a visitor’s badge ready for them when they check in at the main office.  Thank you.


STUDENT AUTOMOBILE POLICY:  Our parent/student handbook lists VCA regulations for students licensed to drive their cars to school. Among those regulations is item #7: Students are not to use their vehicles during school hours unless written/phone permission is given by the parent and only for pre-arranged appointments, (i.e., doctor, dentist appt.), not for obtaining lunch. Please speak with your son or daughter about this if they are licensed to drive to and from school.  Thank you.


 FOOD DELIVERIES at VCA: We have been experiencing an increase in the number of “Door Dash” and other food deliveries at our NC this school year, at all hours of the school day.  This not only ties up our front office staff when dealing with them, but it also creates unnecessary security concerns as many of these deliveries are made by people without uniforms or other identifying clothing, etc.  Beginning Monday, October 9, the school will refuse to accept food deliveries to our NC, except during our lunch hour between 11:00 am and 12:30 pm.  Thank you for your cooperation.  



  • PSAT 10 for Sophomores will be October 17th at 8:00am.
  • PSAT 9 for Freshmen will be October 18th at 8:00am
  • PSAT/NMSQT for Juniors will be October 19th at 8:00am.



October 26-27:  Fall Break

November 10:  Half Day with North Campus dismissal @ 12:05 pm, South Campus @ 12:10 pm

November 22-24:  Thanksgiving Break



October 20 - Culver’s cheeseburger & fries or hamburger and fries

November 3 - Fazoli’s fettuccine or spaghetti and bread sticks

November 17 - Chick-Fil-A chicken sandwich or meal


We are planning to celebrate Grandparents Day at both campuses this year on November 17th. Grandparents will meet at the South Campus from 9:00 - 11:00 AM and the NC from 2-3:00 PM.  Please invite your child’s grandparents or special adult friend to join us for a program, food, and activities.  If your child does not have anyone to invite, please email Mrs. Jett at the SC as we have adults who have offered to “adopt” a child for the event.  More information is coming soon!


SOUTH CAMPUS CHRISTMAS MUSICAL- Thursday, December 14 at Valparaiso High School Auditorium.  Program begins at 6:30pm with doors opening at 6:00pm.