She did what she could.
She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial.
Truly I tell you, wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world,
what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”
Mark 14:8-9

 Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, is the woman mentioned in Mark 14 who poured expensive perfume over Jesus while He was “reclining at the table” in the home of Simon the Leper.  Some of the disciples “were indignant with her” because they saw her actions as wasteful, given the cost of the perfume and its value had it been sold to feed the poor.

 Jesus, however, “rebuked” his disciples for admonishing Mary.  She was passionately devoted to Jesus. He had raised her brother from the dead. Missionary Jim Elliot once said, “If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, there is no sacrifice I could make for Him that would be too great.” There was no sacrifice Mary could make that would be too great for Jesus.

 What about us?  Do we follow Jesus and serve Him out of a sense of duty or devotion? Duty is not bad, but Jesus desires more than simply our duty. He told His disciples on another occasion, “If you love me, keep my commands.” (John 14:15)  May our obedience to Jesus be born out of a deep love for and devotion to Him. 

 Shepherding His Lambs,
David Funk
Superintendent, VCA

GRACE COLLEGE PRESENTATION, March 18, 6:00 pm. - Did you know that VCA is now a partner with GRACE COLLEGE in Winona Lake, IN? Representatives from Grace will be visiting on March 18 with a presentation mainly focused on obtaining an Associate's degree from Grace while in High School and available Dual Credit opportunities.  This presentation is targeted more to students entering into 10th-12th grade.  We encourage all parents to come and listen.  We ask that you RSVP to Michelle Thomae at by Thursday, March 14th.  We would love to fill the gym (not a room) with interested parents and students.  The Grace College partnership is an amazing opportunity for our High School students.

PTF ANNUAL BAKE SALE, March 19-21:  Do you love to bake?  We need you!  Don’t love to bake?  We need you!  The PTF is looking for individually wrapped sweet treats to sell at both campuses at the annual PTF Bake Sale next week.  Would you consider donating a few items this year?  Please have your store-bought OR homemade treats to the North and/or South Campus by 8:00 am Tuesday or Wednesday morning.  Items will be sold for $.50 - $2.00 each with a limit of 2 treats per day per student.  This is cash only and students will not be permitted to use their lunch account for purchases.  Thank you for your support!
Victory Christian Academy Parent Teacher Fellowship Bake SaleNORTH CAMPUS RESURRECTION DAY CHAPEL:  On Friday, March 22nd North Campus will be having Chapel at our regularly scheduled time (8:05-8:55) and while parents are always welcome to attend chapel with their students, we are extending a special invitation for this particular assembly! Mr. Jett has prepared a message on the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. If you are unable to join us in person, you can always catch it live on our Facebook Page

SPRING BREAK, March 25-April 1 - No school for grades PreK-12. School resumes on Tuesday, April 2.

FAFSA for SENIORS:  A quick reminder, the Indiana General Assembly passed Senate Enrolled Act 167 in the Spring of 2023, which requires ALL high school seniors to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or opt out of filing by April 15th.  The FAFSA opened in December and you can complete the FAFSA through this website,